Kevin Day
as it correlates to virtuality
Image gracieuseté de l'artiste / Image courtesy of the artist
En montre à la Galerie Sans Nom
11 novembre au 23 décembre 2016
La pratique artistique de Kevin Day explore la matérialité des données immatérielles. Son travail examine, entre autres, les questions de culture algorithmique, de mémoire numérique, de communication et de cultures secondaires en ligne. Il s'intéresse particulièrement aux conséquences des interfaces numériques sur les relations, perceptions et connaissances humaines. Par son travail, la production et la consommation de matériaux numériques sont encadrées comme soumission au langage numérique codé.
as it correlates to virtuality est un projet d'installation interactive à base de texte qui utilise le langage contemporain et algorithmique de la culture de l'utilisateur afin d'examiner la relation entre une virtualité omniprésente, la logique de quantification et de représentation de données, ainsi que d'une possibilité de matérialité restante.
At the Galerie Sans Nom
November 11 to December 23, 2016
Kevin Day’s practice explores the materiality and body of immaterial data in the age of flickering signifiers. His works examine issues such as algorithmic culture, digital memories, cyber control, post-human concerns, communications, and online subcultures, focusing on the effects the digital interface has on human relations, perception, and cognition, specifically the obligatory mediation through coded language and signals. Through his work, the production and consumption of digital materials is framed as subjugation through language, the digital language of code.
In his sound, drawing, text, photo, graph, and installation work, the body persists as a medium through which signals must pass, resisting the notion in information theory that data are free floating and decontextualized, and insisting instead on a situated and embodied spatio- temporality. Day’s practice seeks to resist the codification of being through an insistence on the presence of noise in the interface, which persists within the signals in the capitalist communication industry. As such, the body is the necessarily mediated materiality in the production of immaterial labour, insisting on its position between immediacy and hypermediacy.
Day was born in Taiwan, a country that rose to economic prosperity and global prominence in the post-war era due to its dominance in manufacturing and exporting electronic products. He received his MFA from the University of British Columbia and is currently based in Vancouver. He will begin his PhD in 2016, focusing on contemporary art, education, and digital media criticism. He has presented his work and research nationally and internationally, at locations such as the Vancouver Art Gallery (Vancouver), Free Word Centre (London), University of Hamburg (Hamburg), Qubit (New York), and Gallery 1313 (Toronto). He is a contributing author in an anthology on digital memories published through Interdisciplinary Press, London.